IEM Provided JSON-P Webservices

This page is an attempt to document the various JSON-P web services the IEM uses to drive its various applications. These services are provided without warranty and may be disabled without warning if "bad things happen". We do try our best to keep them running, so please Contact Us if you have difficulties.

These services support JSONP, which is a technique that allows the deliver of data from a cross-domain origin. The technique involves placing or injecting <script> tags into your webpage and specifying a javascript function to callback. For example,

 <script type="text/javascript">
  function gotData(data){
 <script type="text/javascript"

This <script> tag above that requests data from this server will return javascript that looks like:

 gotData({"Name": "daryl", "Profession": "nerd", "Age": 99});

These services are generally legacy with more modern services being provided in our API.

Okay, so you are all set for documentation on what services are available!

Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{date}&callback=gotData
Description: The US Drought Monitor valid for the given date. You do not need to specify the exact date on which the Drought Monitor was issued. The service will compute the date on which the Drought Monitor was issued given the provided date. Not specifying a date will provide the current Drought Monitor. Archive begins on Jan 2000.
Method GET Parameters:
dateDate (optional)
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{station}&network={network}&callback=gotData
Description: The most recent observation for an IEM tracked site.
Method GET Parameters:
stationStation Identifier
networkNetwork Identifier
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{lon}/{lat}/{utc_date}?callback=gotData
Description: This service provides a grid point sampling of the NCEP Stage IV product. The date provided the service is a UTC date. Note that the hourly stage IV data does not receive the level of QC that the 6, 12, and 24 hour summaries do.
Method GET Parameters:
latLatitude (deg N)
lonLongitude (deg E)
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{year}&wfo={wfo}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces a listing of Impact Warning Tags used in Severe Thunderstorm, Tornado, Marine, and Flash Flood Warnings warnings by NWS Forecast Office and Year.
Method GET Parameters:
wfo3 character NWS Office
yearYear of interest
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:
Description: This service provides the most recent Iowa Winter Road Conditions.
Method GET Parameters:
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{station}&syear={syear}&eyear={eyear}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces a listing of daily climatology for an IEM tracked long term climodat site in the midwestern US.
Method GET Parameters:
station6 character station identifier
syearInclusive start year of the period of interest
eyearExclusive end year of the period of interest
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{network}&day={day}&month={month}&syear={syear}&eyear={eyear}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces a listing of climatology for a single state for a single day.
Method GET Parameters:
networkstate network identifier
monthNumeric month of interest (1-12)
dayNumeric day of interest (1-31)
syearInclusive start year of the period of interest
eyearExclusive end year of the period of interest
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{year}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces a listing of the maximum eventid used for each NWS Forecast Office, VTEC Phenomena and VTEC Significance.
Method GET Parameters:
yearYYYY year
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{wfo}&year={year}&phenomena={phenomena}&etn={etn}&significance={significance}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces GeoJSON for a given VTEC Event.
Method GET Parameters:
wfo3 or 4 character WFO identifier
yearYYYY year
etnVTEC Event ID
phenomena2 Character VTEC Phenomena Code
significance1 Character VTEC Significance Code
sbw1 or 0, flag to return Storm Based Polygon(1) or Counties
lsrs1 or 0, flag to return local storm reports
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{wfo}&year={year}&phenomena={phenomena}&etn={etn}&significance={significance}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces metadata on a given VTEC Event.
Method GET Parameters:
wfo3 or 4 character WFO identifier
yearYYYY year
etnVTEC Event ID
phenomena2 Character VTEC Phenomena Code
significance1 Character VTEC Significance Code
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{wfo}&year={year}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces a listing of VTEC Events (watch, warning,advisories) by year by weather forecast office. You can optionally pass a phenomena=XX and significance=X to the service to only return that VTEC event type for the given WFO and year. Additionally, there is a one-off feature flag of combo=1, which has the service return and Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm, and Flash Flood Watches/Warnings in chronological order.
Method GET Parameters:
wfo3 character WFO identifier
yearYYYY year
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{state}&year={year}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces a listing of VTEC Events (watch, warning, advisories) by year by state.
Method GET Parameters:
state2 character State identifier
yearYYYY year
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{wfo}&start={start}&end={end}&callback=gotData
Description: Produces a listing of VTEC Events (watch, warning, advisories) by wfo with UGC information enumerated.
Method GET Parameters:
wfo3 character WFO identifier
startISO Start Datetime UTC (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM)
endISO End Datetime UTC (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM)
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{station}&year={year}&fmt={fmt}&callback=gotData
Description: Provides a JSON response summarizing all of the atomic processed data from the NWS issued CLI reports for a single station and given year. You can optionally set fmt=csv to get a CSV response.
Method GET Parameters:
yearYYYY desired
stationICAO 4-character station identifier
fmtReturn format (optional) json (default) or csv
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:
Description: Provides metadata about the currently available Tile Map Services provided by the IEM. This is useful to determine how to call back to the Tile Map Services.
Method GET Parameters:
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{ts}&callback=gotData
Description: Provides a geojson format of current National Weather Service storm based warnings. There is a 15 second caching done by the server to ease load. The generation_time attribute is set on the output to diagnose when the file is valid. You can provide a timestamp to provide archived warnings back to 2002 or so. The polygons returned are the actualy ones valid at the given timestamp or realtime, so any polygon updates done with warning event are included here. There should only be one polygon per warning event. You can optionally pass a wfo=WFO3Char to limit the polygons to a single office.
Method GET Parameters:
tsISO-8601 Timestamp YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MI:SSZ (optional)
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{longitude}&lat={latitude}&sdate={sdate}&edate={edate}&callback=gotData
Description: Provides a listing of VTEC events that were valid for a given latitude and longitude point.
Method GET Parameters:
latLatitude in degrees
lonLongitude in (degrees east)
sdateYYYY-mm-dd Start Date (UTC)
edateYYYY-mm-dd End Date (UTC)
fmt(optional) Format to download as: json (default) or xlsx
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{ugc}&edate={edate}&sdate={sdate}&callback=gotData
Description: Provides a json response of archived warnings valid for the given UGC code and date interval (UTC time, end date exclusive). The date of product issuance is used for the date filtering.
Method GET Parameters:
ugcFive character UGC identifier used by the NWS
sdateYYYY-mm-dd Start Date (UTC)
edateYYYY-mm-dd End Date (UTC)
fmt(optional) Format to download as: json (default) or xlsx
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{network}&callback=gotData
Description: The IEM bunches observation stations into networks. This service provides metadata for sites within a network. A listing of networks can be found on this page.
Method GET Parameters:
networkIEM Network Identifier
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{start}&end={end}&bird={bird}&product={product}&callback=gotData
Description: This service returns a listing of available GOES scan times for a period of time. This service will default to the past four hours worth of data when start and end times are not specified.
Method GET Parameters:
operationCurrently always 'list'
startISO-8601 UTC Timestamp (optional)
endISO-8601 UTC Timestamp (optional)
productGOES Channel IR, VIS, or WV
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
Example JSON  Example JSONP
URI Pattern:{product_id}&callback=gotData
Description: This service returns the raw text of a NWS Text Product.
Method GET Parameters:
product_idString that uniquely (not fully) indentifies a text product.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.
This service has a dedicated help page, click here.

That is all for now. Enjoy!