With this application, you can plot COOP observations for a date of your choice.

Select State: Select Datasource: Select Parameter: Timing Year Month Day Image Size

Note: Temperature at Observation is only available for the "Preliminary" data source.
1 Day 1 Day

Open this plot in a new window for comparison with other plots. Once the image is loaded up in another window, you can modify this plots parameters.

Show point labels

Data Listing

# 2024-07-27 High Temperature
# Download From: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/GIS/apps/coop/plot.phtml
# Download Date: 27 Jul 2024
# Data Contact: Daryl Herzmann akrherz@iastate.edu 515.294.5978
ID    , StationName         , County              , Date      ,   Latitude,  Longitude, Hour,       high

You should be able to 'copy & paste' this raw data listing into a simple text editor and save the data file on your machine. Most GIS systems can then import this dataset as a layer. You may have to omit the commented lines (#) if your GIS has trouble importing the data.