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IEM NWS Text Product Finder

Update 15 May 2019: If you specify a three character PIL, you will get any PIL matches that start with those three characters. You can optionally specify a WMO Header (TTAAII) to reduce PIL ambiguity.

Update 19 Jan 2012: Added the ability to limit a AFOS PIL by the issuing center ID (4 character). For example, the AFOS pil RWRTX is issued by a number of centers in Texas. To only get RWRTX from Fort Worth, enter KFWD for the center.

Update 29 Mar 2024: Backend documentation exists for those wishing to script against this service.


If you don't like this app, here is the old one.


This application provides a nice interface into viewing National Weather Service issued text products. Once you select a product, a cookie is set on your computer so that when you visit this page the next time, the same products will appear!


Using our local UNIDATA IDD data feed, a simple script archives recent NWS text products into a database. The above form allows you to query this database for recent products. You must know the AFOS PIL / AWIPS ID in order to get the products you want.

PIL       Description             Product ID for Des Moines
ECMxxx    ECMWF Guidance M         ECMDSM
ECSxxx    ECMWF Guidance S         ECSDSM
ECXxxx    ECMWF Guidance X         ECXDSM
MAVxxx    GFS MOS Guidance         MAVDSM
METxxx    NAM MOS Guidance         METDSM
MEXxxx    GFSX MOS Guidance        MEXDSM
NBExxx    National Blend E         NBEDSM
NBHxxx    National Blend H         NBHDSM
NBPxxx    National Blend P         NBPDSM
NBSxxx    National Blend S         NBSDSM
NBXxxx    National Blend X         NBXDSM

And model output

FRHxx     Eta Output               FRH68
FRHTxx    NGM Output               FRHT68
Other Favorites:
REPNT2  NHC Vortex Message
PMDHMD  Model Diagnostic Discussion
PMDSPD  Short Range Prognostic Discussion
PMDEPD  Extended Forecast Discussion
SWOMCD  SPC Mesoscale Discussion
AFDDMX  Des Moines WFO Area Forecast Discussion
SELX    Convective Watch where "X" is a number between 0-9


The archive maintains products from at least the most recent 7 days. A daily scrubber runs at 3:30 AM each day to reindex the products and delete old products, so the query interface is off-line at that time. This interruption should only last 10 minutes.


Please do not depend on this page for operational decision making, errors can and do occur with data processing, data reception and any other error possible with Internet communications. All products should be used for educational purposes only.