Automated Data Plotter
This application dynamically generates many types of graphs. These graphs are derived from processing of various data sources done by the IEM. Please feel free to use these generated graphics in whatever way you wish. Reset App. The IEM Explorer application offers a simplified frontend to some of these autoplots.
Second, select specific chart options::
Plot Description:
This chart shows the number of VTEC phenomena and significance combinations issued by a NWS Forecast Office for a given year. Please note that not all current-day VTEC products were started in 2005, some came a few years later. So numbers in 2005 are not directly comparable to 2015. Here is a handy chart with more details on VTEC and codes used in this graphic.Due to the chart's oblong nature, there is no way to control the image size at this time.
Based on a sampling of recent timings for this application, plot generation time has averaged 2 seconds. Hold on for the plot is generating now!

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IEM Daily Features using this plot
The IEM Daily Features found on this website often utilize plots found on this application. Here is a listing of features referencing this plot type.
- 11 Dec 2019: Add SQ.W to the listing
- 10 May 2016: Unique Alert Counts