IEM Daily Feature
Friday, 04 February 2022
Friday, 04 February 2022
January PRISM Departures
Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:35 AM
Tracking precipitation departures during the cold season can be problematic as climatological
accumulations this time of year are minimal, there's no plant activity, and precipitation estimates
struggle when it snows. The updated US drought monitor released yesterday did so some expansion of
the "D0" (Abnormally Dry) classification over eastern Iowa. The featured map presents PRISM
computed precipitation departures for January 2022. Much of the upper Midwest is shown below
average with only a few pockets slightly above. Drought concerns from last year continue to linger into
this year, but this is generally not the time of year we can make up deficits. The months of March and
April will bear watching to see if more meaningful rainfalls can come!
Good = 19
Bad = 0
Good = 19
Bad = 0