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Documentation on /cgi-bin/request/

This cgi-bin script provides METAR/ASOS data. It has a IP-based rate limit for requests to prevent abuse. A 503 Service Unavailable response will be returned if the server is under heavy load.


  • 2024-04-01 Fix recently introduced bug with time sort order.
  • 2024-03-29 This service had an intermediate bug whereby if the tz value was not provided, it would default to America/Chicago instead of UTC.
  • 2024-03-29 Migrated to pydantic based request validation. Will be monitoring for any issues.
  • 2024-03-14 Initial documentation release.

Example Usage

Get the past 24 hours of air temperature and dew point for Des Moines and Mason City, Iowa.

CGI Arguments

The following table lists the CGI arguments that are accepted by this service. A HTTP GET request is required. Fields of type Multi-Params or CSV value can accept either a comma separated list or multiple parameter and value combinations. For example, ?foo=1&foo=2 is equivalent to ?foo=1,2.

Field Type Description
data Multi-Params or CSV value The data columns to return, defaults to all. The available options are: tmpf, dwpf, relh, drct, sknt, p01i, alti, mslp, vsby, gust, skyc1, skyc2, skyc3, skyc4, skyl1, skyl2, skyl3, skyl4, wxcodes, ice_accretion_1hr, ice_accretion_3hr, ice_accretion_6hr, peak_wind_gust, peak_wind_drct, peak_wind_time, feel, metar, snowdepth
direct boolean If set to 'yes', the data will be directly downloaded as a file.
elev boolean If set to 'yes', the elevation (m) of the station will be included in the output.
ets string The end time of the data request.
format string The format of the data, defaults to onlycomma. The available options are: onlycomma, tdf.
hours integer The number of hours of data to return prior to the current timestamp. Can not be more than 24 if no stations are specified.
latlon boolean If set to 'yes', the latitude and longitude of the station will be included in the output.
missing string How to represent missing values, defaults to M. Other options are 'null' and 'empty'.
nometa boolean If set to 'yes', the column headers will not be included in the output.
network Multi-Params or CSV value The network to query, defaults to all networks.
report_type Multi-Params or CSV value The report type to query, defaults to all. The available options are: 1 (HFMETAR), 3 (Routine), 4 (Specials).
station Multi-Params or CSV value The station identifier to query, defaults to all stations and if you do not specify any stations, you can only request 24 hours of data.
sts string The start time of the data request.
trace string How to represent trace values, defaults to 0.0001. Other options are 'null' and 'empty'.
tz string The timezone to use for the request timestamps (when not providing already tz-aware sts and ets values) and the output valid timestamp. It is highly recommended to set this to UTC to ensure it is set. This string should be something that the Python zoneinfo library can understand.
year1 integer The year of the start time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If sts is not provided.
month1 integer The month of the start time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If sts is not provided.
day1 integer The day of the start time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If sts is not provided.
hour1 integer The hour of the start time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If sts is not provided.
minute1 integer The minute of the start time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If sts is not provided.
year2 integer The year of the end time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If ets is not provided.
month2 integer The month of the end time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If ets is not provided.
day2 integer The day of the end time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If ets is not provided.
hour2 integer The hour of the end time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If ets is not provided.
minute2 integer The minute of the end time, defaults to the time zone provided by tzname. If ets is not provided.