Data Format

If you download raw schoolnet data from the IEM server, you are probably curious about the data format. Well, here is the explaination.

The data files are in a tab deliminated text format. Each line is a different report. Here is an example line with columns denoted for reference.

  1       2    3    4    5    6    7    8     9      10      11      12

Column Ex Data Type / Units
1 20:57 Time of Day in the Central Standard Timezone. Hours are in a two digit form. To get the PM equivalent, subtract 12 from numbers larger than 13. In this example, 20:57 equates to 8:57PM.
2 03/06/02 Date of the observation in the Central Standard Timezone. The format is mm/dd/yy. In this example, 06 March 2002.
3 NE Textual representation of where the wind is blowing from. (Wind Direction)
4 06MPH Instaneous wind speed in miles per hour.
5 000K Solar Radiation. Multiply by 10 to get values in Watts per meter squared.
6 460F Indoor Temperature in degrees Fahrenhit. The value of 460F means that this variable is not measured at this station or that the value is in error.
7 028F Outdoor Temperature in degrees Fahrenhit.
8 077% Humidity expressed as a precentage.
9 30.18R Barometric pressure expressed in inches of mercury. The character at the end represents the change in pressure. 'S' == Steady. 'R' == Raising. 'F' == Falling.
10 00.00"D Accumulation of precipitation in inches for the current day.
11 00.00"M Accumulation of precipitation in inches for the current month.
12 00.00"R Calculated current hourly precipitation rate.