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114 Views CoCoRaHS Update


CoCoRaHS has one of the wildest acronyms in meteorology. It is a citizen science effort to collect rain, hail, and snowfall reports. It greatly supplements the NWS Cooperative Observer Network. The IEM has been curating these reports for many moons, but only for locations in Iowa. Going forward, the IEM is attempting to process all of the once daily CoCoRaHS reports. CoCoRaHS currently consists of over 103,000 observation locations, so some chunking time is needed to bring this all onboard. Please let me know if you see any new bugs with IEM apps utilizing this data and functionality will be built out over the coming days as the archive settles and I can assess webfarm performance.

Like other "networks" the IEM curates, the data will be organized into state based network identifiers. Data from Canada will be found as an identifier of "CAN_COCORAHS".

As always, feedback is welcome. This change was the most often requested new feature from me over the past number of years.